Destination Europe @ Lampa Conversation Festival, Cēsis, Latvia

During the Lampa Conversation Festival in Cēsis on 1 and 2 July, EMN Latvia had the opportunity to host two parallel sessions of Destination Europe with a diverse groups of people, including youth, school children, retired persons and people in working-age. Over the course of the sessions, the participants were able to take on different roles … Continued

Five language versions of Destination Europe available for download

Destination Europe is now available in five language versions on the website. The print-and-play version can be downloaded in English, French, Latvian, Spanish and Ukrainian. Moreover, the additional materials for teachers and educators are available in English, French and Ukrainian. More language versions will follow soon. Stay tuned!  

Destination Europe as a training tool for staff working with asylum seekers?

On 16 July 2021, we tested Destination Europe with the staff of the National Reception Office (Office national de l’accueil / ONA) in Luxembourg. This administration is responsible for organising the reception of applicants for international protection and creating and managing facilities reserved for their temporary accommodation. The participants included social workers who work directly with … Continued

Launching Destination Europe

We plan to launch Destination Europe in secondary schools and some universities in multiple European countries before the end of 2021. Come back to learn more.