Sign up for the third training course for high school teachers in Luxembourg

After successfully launching a dedicated Destination Europe teacher training in 2024, EMN Luxembourg will continue providing this offer in 2025.

On 06 February 2025, the Destination Europe teacher training course will be held for a third time. This in-person event emphasis the importance of immigration and integration in the European Union, topics that are politically relevant now and in the future. In the light of recent political developments in Europe and beyond, these topics have become highly politicized and are often treated in an unbalanced way, with facts sometimes taking a back seat.

The central element of this training is the relevance of topics such as migration and integration in education. Through the Destination Europe learning tool, we propose ways of effectively integrating those topics into the classroom.

Destination Europe is an interactive learning and training tool about migration and integration. It is an engaging tabletop tool based on role-play that stimulates discussions and learning about some of the most topical issues in today’s Europe.

Destination Europe Promotional Video (other language versions are available on the EMN Luxembourg YouTube Channel)


06 February 2025 from 15:00 to 18:00


Institut de Formation de l’Education nationale (IFEN) – eduPôle in Walferdange (Luxembourg)

For whom?

All high school teachers in Luxembourg, interested in discovering an innovative tool on migration!

© Institut de formation de l’éducation nationale 2022