Law students from the University of Trnava in Slovakia discuss migration decision-making

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), as the coordinator of the European Migration Network (EMN) in Slovakia, conducted a Destination Europe workshop for law students from the University of Trnava on 27 November 2024. The workshop provided an engaging opportunity for 14 future legal experts to dive into the complexities of migration decision-making through an interactive role-playing activity.

The session began with a general introduction to migration, providing the students with an opportunity to see the multifaceted nature of the topic. Then, through the Destination Europe learning tool, participants took on the roles of key stakeholders, such as government officials, municipality representatives, business-owners, NGO representatives, and other actors involved in migration decision-making processes. As they navigated scenarios, the students faced tough decisions requiring them to weigh various factors while considering the perspectives and arguments of their peers.

The workshop not only enhanced students’ understanding of migration but also helped them develop valuable skills such as communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. By stepping into the shoes of policymakers, students experienced the challenges of balancing different interests and the impact of their decisions on migrants as well as on the general public firsthand.

Students are discussing migration policies as part of the educational activity Destination Europe

All photos © International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2024

Student feedback

Feedback from participants revealed that the activity was both eye-opening and challenging. While initially, the measures they wanted to vote for seemed straightforward, students quickly realized the complexity of the tasks when they accounted for the details, interestspriorities and other factors outlined on their role-play character cards and heard the differing viewpoints of their colleagues.

This experience highlighted how migration decisions are shaped by diverse factors, including social, economic, humanitarian considerations and many other.

Destination Europe Promotional Video with subtitles in Slovak (other language versions are available on the EMN Luxembourg YouTube Channel)

EMN Slovakia organizes workshops on the topic of migration as part of which students can try the educational tool Destination Europe.

The workshop is divided into two sessions of 1,5 hours each, but the duration can also be adjusted according to the needs of a school or class. The workshops are free of charge.

EMN Slovakia will be glad to provide you with more information. Please contact them by e-mail: