On Tuesday, 28 August 2023, the Latvian contact point of the European Migration Network (hereinafter – EMN) participated in the conference of education workers entitled “The European Union – in our everyday life and in the classroom”, which was organized by the European Commission and the Education Resource Center of the European Union.
EMN conference participants were introduced to useful and easy-to-use learning tools that can be used in the learning process to provide students with knowledge about migration, integration and migrants. Considering the geopolitical situation and the increase in migration processes around the world, it is essential to educate school students about different migration scenarios and interactions between members of society.
During the conference, it was possible to learn more about the educational tool “Destination – Europe”. It is an interactive learning tool where every player can take on different roles of decision makers and sees how each step affects the migrants and the society as a whole. During the session, participants can try out different roles at the European Union, national and municipal level, thus getting to know migration scenarios.
The experts of the EMN contact point have already successfully presented this tool in several Latvian schools, thus giving school pupils the opportunity to learn essential information in a simple and interesting way. In the future, the experts of the EMN contact point are also open to cooperation with schools in order to continue educating young people side by side with educators.
It was also possible to learn more about EMN Glossary on Asylum and Migration, as well as get acquainted with EMN’s migration process fact sheets and material on migrants and types of migration developed in easy language.