From 21 to 25 October 2024, the third annual edition of the “Week of Democracy” took place across Luxembourgish high schools. EMN Luxembourg organized 4 workshops in 2 different high schools for 60 students aged between 12 and 19.
On 22 October, two members of the EMN Luxembourg team held Destination Europe sessions at the Lycée Technique d’Ettelbruck. Across the two workshops, a total of 32 students discussed migration policies and their impacts while taking on the roles of different stakeholders on the EU, national and local level.
On 25 October, two workshops on migration were organized at the Lënster Lycée International School , in which 28 students participated. The young audience was introduced to the topic of migration by reflecting on their own mobility, learning about Europe’s extensive migration history and discovering different definitions and migrant types, such as asylum seeker and refugee. In a second step, the students explored the Destination Europe learning tool, focusing on the aspect of labour migration, taking on the roles of different stakeholders and discovering the impact of their decisions for 3 migrant personas; Ahmed, Yasmine and Femi.
We would like to thank both schools for their excellent collaboration and their interest in the learning tool and are looking forward to discussing migration and policy decision-making with students in the future.

All photos © Lënster Lycée International School 2024
"Week of Democracy" in Luxembourg
The third Week of Democracy, launched in 2022 for secondary school pupils, took place from 21 to 25 October 2024. The 2024 edition was marked by the extension of activities to pupils in primary education and the non-formal education sector.
By offering opportunities for reflection and participation at all levels of the education system, it helps to prepare children and young people to become responsible citizens who play an active part in strengthening democratic values.