On 20 October 2024, members of the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network in France presented Destination Europe to policy officers from the Directorate-General for foreign nationals in France (DGEF) within the French Ministry of the Interior. The policy officers that participated are working in various directorates with competencies in asylum, integration, legal migration and access to French nationality.
EMN France was requested to present the main objectives and state of deployment of the educational learning tool Destination Europe and to discuss avenues for future partnerships with high schools, academia and NGOs. These points were highlighted in a dedicated Destination Europe session. During this session, participants also proposed interesting ideas for ways moving forward, including the implementation within their own teams and a potential update of the learning tool.
Directorate-General for foreign nationals in France (DGEF)
With 600 agents all over the territory, the DGEF is responsible for all aspects of third country nationals’ stay in France: entry, residence, work, combating illegal immigration, asylum, integration and citizenship.

All photos © European Migration Network France